Master the Intricacies


in 12 months

Chavra D'hilchisa provides you the opportunity to become proficient in Halacha with our professional, innovative, fast-paced, and interactive program.

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What our Participants Are Saying

I finally found a program geared to my needs - clarity, professionalism, and accountability. I’m very excited about learning from the esteemed Magidei Shiur and accomplishing my goals of learning Halacha.

Yaakov Gershon
North Woodmere, N.Y.

I always struggled to learn Halacha. There are so many shittos, and it was hard for me to come to the ‘lema’aseh’. I can’t wait to be able to finally master Halacha Lema’aseh by being part of this amazing program. The clarity of the materials are remarkable and I’m sure the classes will be too.

Yossi Salomon
Brooklyn, NY

I’m looking forward to the “Geshmak” of a goal-oriented learning program with structure, materials and a schedule. I have been looking for a program like this for a long time. I am even more excited to find one with such dynamic and world-renowned Maggidei Shiur.

Yechiel Pelman
Toms River, N.J.

Our Courses

Chavra D'hilchisa is the premiere English-language Halacha program. Geared toward serious lomdim who want to broaden their knowledge and gain clarity in halacha. Our courses are taught by Rabbanim who are world-renowned for their clarity and keen mastery of the subject matter.

Chavra D'hilchisa

Chavra D'hilchisa is a comprehensive Halacha program created for serious students who want to expand their knowledge and master Halachos. Chavra D’hilchisa is under the leadership of HaRav Daniel Glatstein Shlit”a who is renowned as a Rav, lecturer, and posek. Each class is taught by esteemed Talmidei Chachamim and given over with masterful clarity.

Join Chavra D'hilchisa from anywhere!

Join our shiur from anywhere via Zoom, featuring high-quality HD video and full engagement with the shiur, for an interactive and immersive learning experience.

About us

Learn Conveniently

Three convenient ways to participate


Our conveniently located centers in Brooklyn, and in the 5 Towns , offer the excitement and engagement of in-person shiurim.


Tune in to our virtual classroom from anywhere. Shiurim are live and designed to replicate an in-person experience.


Can’t make it for the shiur one week? On the road? All shiurim are recorded and available anytime for review and on-the-go learners.

Endorsed by Gedolei HaRabbanim Shlit”a

Harav Sholom Kamenetsky Shlit”a
Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva of Philadelphia
Harav Noach Isaac Oelbaum Shlit”a
Mora D'Asra, Khal Nachlas Yitzchok, Mechaber Shu”t Minchas Chein
Harav Elya Brudny Shlit”a
Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivas Mir, Brooklyn, Chaver Moeztzes Gedolei HaTorah

The Experience


Relevant Subjects and Material

Our courses and lessons focus on pertinent halachos in our day-to-day life. The classes are centered on halacha lemaaseh in practical terms.

Experienced Magidei Shiur

Our magidei shiur are all experts in their fields and excel in clarity and making things practical. Each Rav is dedicated to seeing the success of their talmidim and ensuring you are excelling in the course.

Exclusive English
Study Aids Package

Our in-house team has created study aids on every topic in clear, crisp English. Visualizations and diagrams ensure the material is readily grasped, and summaries mean full retention of the subject matter.

and Guidance

Our staff are always there for you, ready to answer any questions during or after class. A dedicated online forum facilitates robust discussion between the magidei shiur and talmidim even after class is over.

Our Exclusive Curriculum

Designed by an in-house team of scholars, our syllabus is all in English, including our exclusive booklets of summaries and visualizations. The curriculum is structured to appeal to learners of all kinds. Whether you are a visual, auditory or logical learner, you will leave with a firm grasp of the material.

Visionary Founder

Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm OBM

Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm, of blessed memory, was the vision behind Lemaan Yilmedu. A man devoted to teaching Torah and Halacha, he remains the inspiration behind our activities.

Our learning is dedicated in loving memory of Rabbi Wilhelm.

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Yes, You Too.

At the end of the program, you will have matriculated with a mastery in essential areas of Halacha Lemaasah and receive a certificate of completion.