Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I attend remotely?

Yes. All shiurim will be live on zoom via our HD video conferencing technology to provide the best most engaging experience.

How long will the course take?

This course is a year long. See the exact timeframe in the relevant course description.

How will I be tested?

Most of our tests are written, with limited oral tests for the rabbanim to meet the students personally.

What if I miss a class?

If you missed a class or came late, you will be able to access a replay in video or podcast format on the student portal. Recordings will be made available soon after each class.

Why are there two different locations for the classes?

Basar B’Chalav will be given live by Rabbi Glastein in our 5-Towns location, and Hilchos Shabbos by Rabbi Kleinman will be given live in Brooklyn. Participants will have the option of attending whether the live shiurim or participating via zoom.

What our Participants Are Saying

I finally found a program geared to my needs - clarity, professionalism, and accountability. I’m very excited about learning from the esteemed Magidei Shiur and accomplishing my goals of learning Halacha.

Yaakov Gershon
North Woodmere, N.Y.

I always struggled to learn Halacha. There are so many shittos, and it was hard for me to come to the ‘lema’aseh’. I can’t wait to be able to finally master Halacha Lema’aseh by being part of this amazing program. The clarity of the materials are remarkable and I’m sure the classes will be too.

Yossi Salomon
Brooklyn, NY

I’m looking forward to the “Geshmak” of a goal-oriented learning program with structure, materials and a schedule. I have been looking for a program like this for a long time. I am even more excited to find one with such dynamic and world-renowned Maggidei Shiur.

Yechiel Pelman
Toms River, N.J.

Yes, You Too.

At the end of the program, you will have matriculated with a mastery in essential areas of Halacha Lemaasah and receive a certificate of completion.