About Me

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein is Rav and Morah D’asra of Kehilas Tiferes Mordechai in Cedarhurst, New York, Rabbi Glatstein is a prolific speaker and mechaber sefarim, with a global following. Rabbi Glatstein received his semicha from Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim, as well as from Hagaon Harav Noach Issac Oelbaum Shlit”a. Rav Glatstein combines dynamic and inspirational oratory with depth of Torah knowledge and keen insight and his shiurim have been received enthusiastically by audiences of all backgrounds and affiliations.


Basar B’Chalav

Basar B’Chalav

How many times has a shayla arisen in your kitchen and you wished you knew the Halacha? Join Chavra DeHilchisa’s Basar B’Chalav course and you will acquire the knowledge to handle complex shaylos in areas of common kitchen shaylos, Kashrus and more. Through our comprehensive booklets, weekly shiurim, and the guidance of a world-renowned Rav, you can be on your way to mastering this critical area of Halacha.

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Issur VeHeter

Issur VeHeter

How many times has a shayla arisen in your kitchen and you wished you knew the Halacha? Join Chavra DeHilchisa’s Issur V’Hetter course and you will acquire the knowledge to handle complex shaylos in areas of Basar B’Chalav, Kashrus and more.

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Yes, You Too.

At the end of the program, you will have matriculated with a mastery in essential areas of Halacha Lemaasah and receive a certificate of completion.